- This Upload Budget method is required the similar functions as other upload function available in EMP.
- Download the template file
- Fill in the required information according to the table listing displayed at the bottom.
- Please take note, fields that are regarded as 'compulsory' is compulsory to fill in else the file will not be able to upload.
- Because this is 'compulsory' its do not allow to remove this Fields.
- Press the "Download" Button to download the Excel template file .
- Excel File will show the heading as it was selected
- Fill up the Excel file with detail. make sure that the file is fill up correctly.
- Upload template file settings:
- Template file deliminator can be selected in different formats. (Eg: Comma)
- Template file headers can be customized based on need.
- Upload the file with header.
- Template file deliminator can be selected in different formats. (Eg: Comma)
- Upload the file by clicking on the SELECT FILES button "Choose file" button.
- Select the Delimiter (Eg: Comma) and Text Qualifier (Eg: ")
- Click on the Submit button.