

Stock Movement shows the movement (In and Out) of the stocks due to sale to customer, transfer, sales return or stocking in inventories. The report will display opening and closing balance. For each transaction, two columns of 'IN' and 'OUT' will show stock being added or deducted from opening balance. Closing balance (final quantity) will appear at the bottom.

This image below shows the main interface of the Stock Movement function / page to generate the report. User will have to key in values for fields such as Locations, Item Codes, Item Category, Item Status, Type, the dates and many other fields.

Take note on the Add-On / the enhancement fields that have been added to the Stock Movement Generate Report function
  1. Click on Document number to view the Document.

  2. Click 'Printable Page' to view and print the report. Or Export to Excel / CSV

Image Added

3. The new added feature of Item Code drop down menu for searching allow user now to have searching other then the default "Inventory"

Image Added

Below image shows the error message that will be prompt or display to the user when user:

titleError Message Tips

ERROR: Please enter Item Code Fuzzy Search!

When you filter by Item Category, please remember to "tick" All Item Code (in Item code Fuzzy Search)
