18985 Inventory -> Reports -> Stock Movement :: Transaction Type - if not selected, show all types of trasactions
20021 Permission for change cancel cashsale date not working
20044 Currency setting in create PO & GRN by PO - key in 2.30, system change to 2.99999999999
18944 Sales Return (Multi Invoice ) -> Add Item -> Optional Details -> Add Remarks -> Save Changes -> Doesn't show any remarks and remarks isn't saved
18483 Check permission reset after module level permission is deprecated
18968 CM: after edit the amount, the amount not updated
19083 Distribution -> Order Taking -> Misc Listing > General Sales Order Listing Detail : Order By "Customer Name" is not working
19076 Document POP up, not working on iPad
19841 OR-01 : Stock Aging report -> Quantity fall in the wrong column
19840 Extended Module -> Workshop -> Josbheet -> Listing : Choose only 1 branch but in listing show All Branch
19846 Stock Adjustment Listing -> Edit -> Key in Remarks -> Update -> Doesn't work
19083 Distribution > Order Taking > Misc Listing > General Sales Order Listing Detail : Order By "Customer Name" is not working
18991 Manager Reports -> CC-01 Transaction Aging Analysis -> when customer terms is 365 days, the amount recorded twice for both 331 - 365 and > 365
18897 Allow GL Code in FSCS for BOM item
19774 Customer > Task > Batch Printing of Billing Statement : Report cannot be generated on Google Chrome browser.
19861 Edit SO -> change item price -> Convert to Bill / Invoice : Loyalty points not updated to new price
19879 Trading > Sales > Create Invoice : In case of cannot scan SN we also cannot key-in SN
19085 General Sales Order Listing Detail : SO with 1 item -> load to Invoice -> created invoices with different quantity but at SO Listing only show 1 invoice
20054 Create Payment Voucher - Currency can't be saved when button is clicked
19805 In GST detail report (MISC-06) , total tax amount is not tally with the Tax code (GST)
18449 On Remove Role, Remove Permission Object, Changelog to remove Permission Object with no Roles
20047 Create GRN by PO -> grand total show zero amount when add item from PO and calculation for grand total not based on currency
20052 Stock Availibility -> click at MOvement Movement -> Stock movement page -> check the date -> year showing from 2001 until 2011 in drop down list
20038 SR-08 -> generate report filter by branch code and branch desc -> printable page (show branch name)
18912 Stock availability giving wrong values when generated multiple times